Learners Family LVBS
We are Learners Family The Las Vegas Buddhist Sangha
Our Buddhist Path is based on the teachings and understanding of Buddhism as shared by revolutionary 12th century Buddhist priest Shinran Shonin.
We are followers of the True Pure Land (Jodo Shin) Buddhist sect of Mahayana Buddhism. We are affiliated with the Buddhist Churches of America, the oldest Buddhist organization in North America, which is a part of the global following of the Hongwangi (Temple of the Primal Vow) school of Japanese Buddhism, the largest traditional Buddhist sect in Japan.
Our History
The Las Vegas Buddhist Sangha has a rich history dating back to 1984
Info on Buddhism
The largest tradition of Buddhism in Japan and has been in America for over 120 years
Meet our Bishop, visiting ministers, andministers assistants
View our collection of pictures, videos, and flyers of things we have done in the past
Read more about our purpose, membership, and officer information
Board of Directors
See our current board members